Ms. Ellen’s 4’s

Morning Fours Typical Daily Schedule

8:40 Arrival of the students. They complete their daily tasks of putting their folder and snack away, as well as putting their back pack and coat in their cubby. They then will fill in their calendar and begin free play. The children are able to choose from 4-5 activities that have been set out for them. (On Friday’s we open the door between the two classes and have Fun Free Friday! It gives the children the opportunity to interact with the children in the other classroom. ) Once everyone has arrived and had a chance to play, clean up begins so that we can get ready for Circle time.
9:15 Circle time gives us the chance to greet each other, complete classroom jobs and listen to a story based on the theme for the week. We discuss elements from the stories and how they relate to what we are learning. The children love to share stories about things they have done with their families each and every day, some are connected to our lessons and some are not. Once the day is outlined for the children and center buddies are assigned we get ready for snack.
9:45 – 10:00 Snack – children bring in their own healthy snack each day and we provide them with water. The children get a chance to sit and have a conversation with a friend while eating. Once they have finished and cleaned up after themselves, they are encouraged to pick a book and read until the others have completed their snack.
10:00 – 10:30 Music with Miss Andrea (Tuesday’s) Miss Andrea works with us to connect our lessons with music to enhance our curriculum. She finds songs and poems that then can be used through out the week with the children.
10:00 – 10:15 Play ground time. (during inclement weather we will provide gross motor activities to the children)
10:15 – 11:15 Center buddies are groups of 3-4 children who will be playing together for that time period. The children rotate through 4-5 activities with two of the activities lead by a teacher. Art activities are completed based on the book or theme we have been working on.
11:15 – 11:35 Clean up and prepare to go to Lunch Bunch or to go home.
11:40 Dismissal

Please contact Kathy Rywolt (401-246-2342) or if you have any further questions.